About Us

"Why does Lonely Floater exist?"

Lonely Floater is an American company that specializes in designing, developing, manufacturing, marketing and selling apparel, accessories and athletic equipment. Since its inception on 31st October, 2016 pioneered by Ryan Wallace and Lovans Florial, Lonely Floater has grown and changed to be a notable brand in the fashion and sports industries with a major focus on music. Our first ever collection was dubbed Pre-Flight, and the sales of the associated products were reasonably successful paving the way for the growth of the company and its brand identity.
The company initially started its operations in Mount Vernon, but it has successfully extended its reach in New York and San Diego with even the goal of spreading to more cities across and beyond US within the next 5 years. To better serve our customers, we have also expanded our outreach to offer services in event and artist management. In this bracket, a wide array of secondary services are provided ranging from audio and visual production, website development, logo development to merchandising and branding. This has even seen us manage and sponsor artists and athletes in different fields including boxing and motorsports. We aim at bringing our art and sound within the umbrella of the Music Festival Industry.
Our mission is to promote individualism within masses in a defining scope of diversity and multiculturalism. With our acknowledgment of, and experience with, different cultures in the US and the world at large, we recognize what various cultures value and we find a way of incorporating that in our fashion, event and festival trends. The idea is to celebrate individual cultures and integrate their values in the most complementary framework of diversity. We understand that the interaction of cultures is inevitable, and our professionals explore this association delicately ensuring that our services have and retain impact among different cultural groups.
We are also keen to corporate social responsibility in our efforts to give back to the community. Through community involvement, we have started our World Peace Project to donate to humanitarian agencies such as Doctors Without Borders and Colin Kaepernicks’ Know Your Right Campaign to compound our stance on a positive global environment.; starting in the US and then beyond. We also run CSR projects of our own with classic examples being the Stay Up Project, which aims at motivating and empowering students, and Goodie Bag Project, which supports the poor and the homeless. Therefore, we operate towards a course and lead by example in promoting social connectivity, the respect for individuality, and the value of artistic expressions.

Lonely Floater will continue to develop a global community that embraces individualism, spreads knowledge and welcomes everyone of progressive consciousness.
Push limits.
Defy norms.
Fly At Your Own Altitude.